Updated Schedule

I will keep this page with the updated schedule for the semester. You can find these readings on Canvas.

Week Session Topic Required reading Method Deliverable
1: 08/21 1 Introduction to the course
1: 08/23 2 Geography of Upward Mobility in America Chetty, Friedman, Hendren, Jones and Porter (2018)- Non-technical summary
2: 08/28 3 Intro to R and data
2: 08/30 4 Intro to Visualization, Wrangling and RMarkdown First short report (In class) - Project 0
3: 09/04 - Labor Day – No class
3: 09/06 5 Intro to Causal Effects of Neighborhoods Bergman, Chetty, DeLuca, Hendren, Katz and Palmer (2019) [Non-technical summary] Experiments (RCTs) Project 1 – Part 1 (for Friday 09/08)
4: 09/11 6 Characteristics of High-Mobility Areas and Correlation Analysis Bergman, Chetty, DeLuca, Hendren, Katz and Palmer (2019) - Introduction Quasi-experiments
4: 09/13 7 Moving to Opportunity and place based policies Cost-benefit analysis Project 1 – Part 1 and 2 (for Friday 09/15)
5: 09/18 8 Historical and International Evidence on and Drivers of Inequality and Mobility
5: 09/20 9 Higher Education and Upward Mobility Dynarski, Libassi, Michelmore and Owen (2018) Regression discontinuity
6: 09/25 10 Causal Effects of Higher Education
6: 09/27 11 Review for midterm Project 2 (Monday 10/02)
7: 10/02 12 Midterm
7: 10/04 13 Solution review
8: 10/09 14 Recap of R and Quarto Documents
8: 10/11 15 Primary education Chetty, Friedman and Rockoff (2011) [Non-technical summary] Experiments
9: 10/16 16 Teachers and Charter Schools Event study designs, competitive equilibrium
9: 10/18 17 Racial Disparities in Economic Opportunity Bertrand, and Mullainathan (2004) Dynamic models and steady states
10: 10/23 18 Media Bias in Crime Coverage and Housing Prices Instrumental Variables
10: 10/25 19 Improving judicial decisions Kleinberg, Lakkaraju, Leskovec, Ludwig and Mullainathan (2017) Machine learning, implicit bias
11: 10/30 20 Immigration Clemens (2011) Welfare analysis
11: 10/01 21 Implementing a simple machine learning model in R - Part 1
12: 11/06 22 Implementing a simple machine learning model in R - Part 2 Project 3
12: 11/08 23 Implementing a simple machine learning model in R - Part 3
13: 11/13 24 Political Economy
13: 11/15 - -
14: 11/20 25 Income taxation Diamond and Saez (2011) Supply and demand; synthetic control
15: 11/28 26 Savings and wealth Behavioral Economics
15: 11/30 27 Review session